Question 1:

Mesoderm gives rise to
 1) Thymus gland
 2) Tongue
 3) Pancreas
 4) Heart

Question 2:

Emboly means
 1) Extending upon
 2) Thrust in
 3) Convergence
 4) None of the above

Question 3:

During cleavage in Frog's egg the number of cells formed at the end of 5th division is
 1) 24
 2) 32
 3) 16
 4) 48

Question 4:

Sperms get nourishment from these cells
 1) Spermatogonial cells
 2) Intertitial cells
 3) sertoli cells
 4) Primordeal cells

Question 5:

Inadequate blood flow to the heart leads to
 1) Rheumatic heart disease
 2) Obesity
 3) Coronary heart disease
 4) Diabetes

Question 6:

In Oogenesis nutritive substance are synthesised during
 1) Multiplication phase
 2) Growth phase
 3) Maturation phase
 4) All the three

Question 7:

Clostridium tetani is an
 1) Aerobic bacterium
 2) Virus
 3) Anerobic bacterium
 4) Fungus

Question 8:

 ........................ are considerd as the amplifiers of JE virus.
 1) Man
 2) Pig
 3) Mosquito
 4) Dog

Question 9:

The adult Wuchereriabancrobti worms live
 1) In the digestive system of man
 2) In the lymphatic system of man
 3) In the respiratory track of man
 4) In the kidney of man

Question 10:

DDT and gamoxine are used to destroy
 1) Rat flea
 2) Protozoan
 3) Adult mosquitoes
 4) Mosquotoe larvae

Question 11:

Who discovered tuberculosis bacteria?
 1) Robert Hook
 2) Robert Brown
 3) Robert Cock
 4) Robertson

Question 12:

In adult mumps affect
 1) Testis, Pancreas, Ovaries
 2) Liver, spleen, Stomach
 3) Kidney, Heart, Liver
 4) Brain, Eye, Stomach

Question 13:

The substance produced by sperm to dissolve egg membrane is
 1) Fertilizine
 2) Sperm lysin
 3) Anti fertilizin
 4) Hyaluronidase

Question 14:

The amount of water present in hen's take
 1) 38.3%
 2) 48.7%
 3) 16.6%
 4) 32.6%

Question 15:

Regarding the economic importance of mosses: Species of Sphagnum, a moss:

1) used as packing material for trans-shipment of living material
2 ) provide peat
3 ) Both are true
4 ) None of the above

Question 16:

The excretory structures of flatworms or Taenia are 

1) Flame cells

2) Protonephridia

3) Malpighian tubules

4) Green glands

Question 17:

Bladder worm (Cysticercus) is the larva of

1) Planaria

2) Tape worm

3) Round worm

4) None of the above

Question 18:

Match the following organism with their respective characteristics:

(a) Pila (i) Flame cells
(b) Bombyx (ii) Comb plates
(c) Pleurobrachia (iii) Radula
(d) Taenia (iv) Malpighian tubules

Select the correct option from the following.

1) (a)-(iii), (b)-(ii), (c)-(i), (d)-(iv)

2) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(ii), (d)-(i)

3) (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(iii), (d)-(i)

4) (a)-(iii), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i)

Question 19:

The connecting link between annelida and mollusca is

1) Neopilina
2) Glochidium larva
3) Nautilus
4) Veliger larva

Question 20:

Sheathing leaf base is seen in

 1) Hibiscus
 2) Clitoria
 3) Tridas
 4) Musa

Question 21:

Clerodendron is

 1) simple cyme
 2) single raceme
 3) Dichascial cyme
 4) Head

Question 22:

The Calyx in some flowers falls off as soon as the flower opens

 1) decidons
 2) caducons
 3) persistent
 4) anistomerons

Question 23:

'Pneumatophores' are found in

(1) Cephaelis

(2) Ipomoea

(3) Both (1) and (2)

(4) Sonneratia

Question 24:

A plant in which secondary rachii are modified into phyllodes is

1) Acacia melanoxylon     
2) Opuntia dillenii
3) Parkinsonia aculeata    
4) Asparagus racemosus

Question 25:

Cauliflower is a member of

1) Ranunculaceae
2) Cruciferae
3) Malvaceae
4) Solanaceae

Question 26:

An inflorescence that looks like a single flower is

1) Verticillaster
2) Hypanthodium
3) Cyathium
4) Head

Question 27:

The primary egg membrane of mammals is
 1) Corona radiata
 2) Chorion
 3) Jelly envelope
 4) Zona pellucida

Question 28:

Stomodaeual valve in cockroach is situated between
1. Crop and Gizzard
2. Gizzard and Mesenteron
3. Mesenteron and Ileum
4. Rectum and Anus

Question 29:

The permissible level of noise
 1) 81-120 dB
 2) 81-102-dB
 3) 81-180-dB
 4) 180-280 dB

Question 30:

The celluler structure which always disappears during mitosis is
1. mitochondria
2. nuclear membrance
3. plastids
4. plasma membrance

Question 31:

In brain structures genes and splenium are associated with
1. Cerebellum
2. Medulla obiongata
3. Vermis
4. Cerebrum

Question 32:

Nerve cells are not found in
1. Sponges
2. Coelenterates
3. Nematodes
4. Mosquitoes

Question 33:

One gene one enzyme theory was given by
1. Beadle and Tatum
2. Watson and Crick
3. Beadle and Morgan
4. Morgan and Muller

Question 34:

Luteinzing hormone
1. stimulates ovulation
2. stimulates the egg mother cell to undergo completion of the 3. meiotic cycle
4. stimulates the corpus luteum to secrete progesterone
all these

Question 35:

Which of the following is an egg laying mammal ?
1. Platypes
2. Otter
3. Seal
4. Walrus

Question 36:

 "Ascaris lumbricoides" produces some Toxins in the body of the host which disturbs
1. Basal Metablic rate
2. Fat metabolism
3. Protein metabolism
4. Carbohydrate metabolism

Question 37:

The metabolic defect in Phenylketonuria is
1. a dominent genetic disorder
2. due to deficiency of enzyme homogentisic acid oxidase
3. characterised by excretion of urin which blackens on standing
4. caused by absence of enzyme involved in formation of tyrosine

Question 38:

Cranium of man is made up of
1. 8 bones
2. 10 bones
3. 12 bones
4. 16 bones

Question 39:

Where do tropical forests occur in India
1. jammu & Kashmir
2. Himachal Pradesh
3. Bihar
4. Andamans

Question 40:

Which one of the following essential mineral elements is not a constituent of any enzyme, but stimulates the activity of many enzymes ?
1. Potassium
2. Zinc
3. Magnesium
4. Manganese

Question 41:

The pulses belong mostly to
1. Papelionaceae
2. Cucurbitaceae
3. Graminae
4. Malvaceae

Question 42:

The largest percentage of the body composition is
1. Bone
2. Skin
3. Blood
4. Water

Question 43:

Of the folowing the false character with resepect to Pinus is
1. Resin canals in needles
2. Tracheids with bordered pits
3. Bracts and ovuliferous scales
4. Embryo with two cotyledons

Question 44:

All plastids have essentially same structure because
1. They have to perfdorm same function
2. They are localized in aerial parts of plant
3. All plastids store starch, lipid and proteins
4. One type of,plastids can be differentiated into another type of plastid dependding on cell requirments

Question 45:

The stain involved in Feulegn reaction to stain DNA is
1. Gentain violet
2. Cotton blue
3. Neutral red
4. Basic fuchsin

Question Palette